Publications scientifiques

Brousmiche, D., Lanier, C., Cuny, D., Frevent, C., Genin, M., Blanc-Garin, C., Amouyel, P., Deram, A., Occelli, F., Meirhaeghe, A., 2023a. How do territorial characteristics affect spatial inequalities in the risk of coronary heart disease? Science of The Total Environment 867, 161563.

Brousmiche, D., Lanier, C., Occelli, F., Pochet, L., Degezelle, S., Genin, M., Deram, A., Cuny, D., 2023b. Spatial scale and spatial effects: Shedding light on how a change of scale can affect the characterization of environmental health inequalities. Environmental Science & Policy 144, 20–30.

Genin, M., Lecoeuvre, A., Cuny, D., Subtil, D., Chevalier, G., Ficheur, G., Occelli, F., Garabedian, C., 2022. The association between the incidence of preterm birth and overall air pollution: A nationwide, fine-scale, spatial study in France from 2012 to 2018. Environmental Pollution 311, 120013.

de Courrèges, A., Occelli, F., Muntaner, M., Amouyel, P., Meirhaeghe, A., Dauchet, L., 2021. The relationship between neighbourhood walkability and cardiovascular risk factors in northern France. Science of The Total Environment 144877.

Brousmiche D, Genin M, Occelli F, Frank L, Deram A, Cuny D, Lanier C (2021). Data for the assessment of vulnerability and resilience in the field of environmental health in the north of France. Data in Brief 107220.

Lanier C, Brousmiche D, Deram A, Frank L, Genin M, Occelli F, Cuny D (2020). Characterization of the spatial heterogeneity of environmental and social inequalities in health: a spatialized approach to the resilience-vulnerability balance. Environnement Risques Santé

Tenailleau Q, Lanier C, Gower-Rousseau C, Cuny D, Deram A, Occelli F (2020). Crohn’s disease and environmental contamination: Current challenges and perspectives in exposure evaluation. Environmental Pollution.

Occelli F, Lanier C, Cuny D, Deram A, Dumont J, Amouyel P, Montaye M, Dauchet L, Dallongeville J, Genin M (2020). Exposure to multiple air pollutants and the incidence of coronary heart disease: a fine-scale geographic analysis. Science of the Total Environment.

Brousmiche D,Occelli F, Genin M, Cuny D, Deram A, Lanier C (2020). Spatialized composite indices to evaluate environmental health inequalities: Meeting the challenge of selecting relevant variables. Ecological Indicators.

Genin M, Fumery M, Occelli F, Savoye G, Pariente B, Dauchet L, Giovannelli J, Vignal C, Body-Malapel M, Sarter H, Gower-Rousseau C, Ficheur G (2019). Fine-scale geographical distribution and ecological risk factors for Crohn’s disease in France (2007-2014). Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.

Turpin A, Genin M, Hebbar M, Occelli F, Lanier C, Vasseur F, Descarpentries C, Pannier D, Ploquin A (2019). Spatial heterogeneity of KRAS mutations in colorectal cancers in northern France. Cancer Management and Research, Volume 11: Pages 8337–8344.

Ploquin A, Genin M, Hebbar M, Occelli F, Lanier C, Decarpentries C, Pannier D, Turpin A (2019). Spatial heterogeneity of KRAS mutations in colorectal cancers: A population-based study in northern France. Journal of Clinical Oncology 37, e15101–e15101.

Lanier C, Deram A, Cuny M-A, Cuny D, Occelli F (2019). Spatial analysis of environmental inequalities caused by multiple air pollutants: A cumulative impact screening method, applied to the north of France. Ecological indicators, Volume 99: Pages 91-100.

Cucala L, Genin M, Occelli F, Soula J (2019). A multivariate nonparametric scan statistic for spatial data. Spatial statistics, Volume 29: Pages 1-14.

Cuny D, Cuny M-A, Castell J-F, Occelli F, Davranche L, Laffray X, Rose C, Mersch J (2018). La biosurveillance végétale et fongique de la qualité de l’air : contexte et enjeux. In Detection des impacts toxiques de l’environnement – Du terrain à la réglementation. Pages 147-202.

Occelli F (2018). Systèmes d’information géographique en santé environnement. Yearbook Santé Environnement 2018: Pages 267-270.

Lanier C, Occelli F, Deram A, Cuny D (2018). Systèmes d’Information Géographique et Liens Environnement-Santé (SIGLES) : un programme de recherche pour explorer les inégalités de santé-environnement à l’échelle des territoires. Pollution atmosphérique [En ligne], N°236.

Ghenassia A, Beuscart J-B, Ficheur G, Occelli F, Babykina E, Chazard E, Genin M (2017). A generic method for improving the spatial interoperability of medical and ecological databases. International Journal of Health Geographics 16(1):36.

Cucala L, Genin M, Lanier C, Occelli F (2017). A multivariate Gaussian scan statistic forspatial data. Spatial Statistics, Volume 21, Part A: Pages 66–74.

Occelli F, Bavdek R, Deram A, Hellequin A-P, Cuny M-A, Cuny D and Zwarterook I (2016). Using lichen biomonitoring to assess environmental justice over neighborhoods in an industrial area of Northern France. Ecological Indicators, 60: 781–788.

Occelli F, Deram A, Genin M, Noël C, Cuny D, Glowacki F, on behalf of the Néphronor Network (2014). Mapping End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD): Spatial Variations on Small Area Level in Northern France, and Association with Deprivation. PLoS ONE 9(11): e110132.

Occelli F, Deram A, Genin M, Glowacki F-X, Cuny D et Réseau Néphronor (2014). Disparités spatiales d’incidence de l’insuffisance rénale chronique terminale (IRCT) en Nord – Pas de Calais en lien avec la défaveur sociale. Néphrologie & Thérapeutique, 10, Issue 5, 266–267.

Occelli F, Cuny MA, Devred I, Deram A, Quarré S, Cuny D (2013). Étude de l’imprégnation de l’environnement de trois bassins de vie de la région Nord-Pas-de-Calais par les éléments traces métalliques. Pollution Atmosphérique [En ligne], N° 220.